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Using Money for the Best Things in Life  

Money is one of those funny things. Lots of people get extremely upset about it. Or disappointed. They feel like they have too much, or not enough, or someone else has more or less, and there is something unfair in the world that won’t balance their financial equation. And then there are the people who use money for the best things in life and call it good.

Really, at that point it’s more about attitude, and if you don’t already have a great attitude about money, then maybe now is the time to start. Add a few basic philosophical habits to the ones you already have, and start on the path to freedom and peace of mind.

Use Money for Goodwill

One of the best things to use money on in order to feel good about yourself is good will. This can be in the form of charity. It could be by helping a foundation out, or even starting a foundation yourself. It doesn’t matter how much the actual amount is – putting money to good service is a great way to feel good about money in general.

Use Money for Entertainment

It’s good to be mostly selfless, but using money for your own entertainment is not something to feel bad about. Buy the newest gaming system, and enjoy it! Of course, this is something that many people will do. However, gamers could also consider using their computers instead. These days, websites like Gamulator help people to find classic games, such as pokemon heartgold rom, that can be played on computers. This could save people some money, whilst still giving them some new games to play. However, if the newest gaming console is what you want, then go ahead! Buy some movies to entertain yourself. Buy a nice car if you’ve earned the money and can afford it. The point is, don’t feel guilty – spread the love around if you have to, but don’t keep yourself away from entertainment because of a misplaced sense of shame.

Use Money for Socializing

If you have the money, don’t be afraid, if the occasion is right, to spend it on a companion or date. Whether it is though a friend or through a service, don’t be afraid to use money to meet and impress people. Socializing is important, so why not use money to exchange for someone else’s time? Once again, it’s just a matter of social propriety, and how you want to approach the situation on a general level.

Use Money for Progress

In addition to good will projects, you can also use your money to benefit progress. This could be by sending money into a science foundation of some sort. Or a humanities-based entity that is trying to save the environment. It could be that you are promoting a certain political cause. Use you money to your advantage by putting your finances into things that you’re interested in having move forward. It could be a specific as a space program, or as general as a trust fund for underprivileged kids. Once again, it’s all about how you feel you could use your money to give yourself the feeling of doing the right thing.